Here are answers to some frequently asked questions

DAOs, General#

What is a distributed autonomous organization (DAO)?#

A DAO, or decentralized autonomous organization, is a blockchain-based organization that is run by its members without the need for a central authority.

Why Use Web3 technologies?#

Web3 technologies offer decentralized, transparent, and efficient solutions that foster innovation. Decentralization reduces the risk of censorship and fraud, transparency increases accountability and trust, and efficiency creates secure and effective systems for managing data and transactions. Additionally, Web3 technologies enable new forms of innovation, such as NFTs for unique digital assets and smart contracts for task automation.

What is the difference between a DAO and a traditional organization?#

A DAO is a decentralized organization run by its members, without a central authority. In contrast, traditional organizations are typically run by a central authority like a board of directors or CEO. DAOs promote transparent and democratic corporate governance, allowing all willing participants to vote on the entity’s actions. The DAO Council implements actions decided by the community.

How does a DAO make decisions?#

A DAO typically makes decisions through a system of voting. Members of the DAO can vote on proposals that are put forward by other members of the DAO. A DAO Council, composed of DAO managers and individuals selected by the community, implements actions decided by the DAO community.

What is a DAO treasury and how is it utilized?#

A DAO treasury is a community-controlled pool of funds used for activities like research, marketing, and community outreach. It’s typically funded by member donations and managed by an elected team responsible for allocating funds. This allows DAOs to fund activities without relying on external investors.

How does a DAO help find the right persons or people to complete a research opportunity?#

A DAO can use its extensive network and resources to find and vet potential candidates for a research opportunity. A reputation-based system can also be used to identify and invite individuals with a proven track record of completing quality research projects. The DAO can use community voting to determine the best fit for a particular research opportunity, ensuring that the most qualified and capable individuals are selected for the job.

DAOs & University Research#

How does a DAO fund scientific research?#

A DAO can fund scientific research by raising money from its members and using it to fund research projects at universities. The DAO’s members can vote on which research projects to fund.

How can a DAO help amplify university research innovation?#

DAOs can amplify university research innovation by providing funding, facilitating collaboration, managing intellectual property, and promoting public engagement. By raising money from a global pool of investors, DAOs can fund research projects, reducing reliance on traditional sources of funding. DAOs can also bring together researchers from different universities to collaborate on projects and manage intellectual property created by university researchers. Furthermore, DAOs can help to promote public engagement and raise awareness of the importance of research to build support for research funding.

What are the benefits of funding scientific research through a DAO?#

Funding scientific research through a DAO offers numerous benefits over traditional funding methods. One of the primary advantages is that it provides a decentralized approach to funding research, where decisions are made democratically by the community of stakeholders. This can help to ensure that the research being funded aligns with the values and interests of the community, leading to better outcomes and greater impact. Additionally, it provides a more transparent and accountable way of allocating resources, as all transactions and decisions are recorded on a public blockchain, helping to build trust between the community and the researchers.

Another advantage is that funding research through a DAO allows for a more efficient use of resources. Funds can be allocated directly to the research projects that have the most potential impact, without the need for intermediaries or administrative overhead. This can help to maximize the impact of research while minimizing waste.

Finally, a DAO can facilitate collaboration and knowledge-sharing among researchers and community members, leading to new insights and discoveries that may not have been possible otherwise. This can lead to breakthroughs in research and innovation that have the potential to benefit society as a whole.

How does AlumDAO work with technology transfer offices?#

AlumDAO partners with university technology transfer offices (TTOs) to help researchers commercialize their work. TTOs manage intellectual property (IP) rights and have experience in partnering with businesses to commercialize research. AlumDAO and TTOs can develop licensing agreements that benefit both the university and the DAO, as well as commercialization plans that identify potential partners and steps for bringing products to market. AlumDAO also provides funding, technical assistance, and networking opportunities to support TTOs in their commercialization efforts.

How is a DAO supported research opportunity (e.g., funded with DAO treasury funds) different from a corporate sponsored research project?#

A DAO-supported research opportunity is different from a corporate-sponsored research project in several ways. First, a DAO-supported research opportunity is funded by the community through the DAO treasury, whereas a corporate-sponsored research project is funded by a company. Second, a DAO-supported research opportunity is typically driven by the community’s interests and values, whereas a corporate-sponsored research project is driven by the company’s interests and goals. Third, the results of a DAO-supported research opportunity are often made public and accessible to the wider community, while the results of a corporate-sponsored research project may be kept proprietary. Finally, a DAO-supported research opportunity allows for more democratic decision-making, where the community can have a say in which projects are funded and how they are carried out, whereas a corporate-sponsored research project is typically controlled by the sponsoring company.

How does a DAO community vote on whether to fund a research opportunity?#

The DAO community votes on whether to fund a research opportunity by using a blockchain-based voting system. The voting system allows each member of the DAO to cast a vote on whether or not to fund the research opportunity.


What is AlumDAO?#

AlumDAO is a platform that connects alumni, former academics, and academic researchers to support the development of new innovations. It provides a way for donors to invest in research that they believe in, while also providing researchers with the funding they need to develop their ideas. AlumDAO is a valuable platform that can help to bridge the gap between academia and the private sector, and it provides unparalleled attribution, increasing transparency into where donors’ dollars are being spent.

How does AlumDAO work?#

AlumDAO is utilized through a three-step process:

Researchers submit proposals for consideration by the DAO community for support.#

Researchers can submit proposals for any type of research project, including basic research, applied research, and commercialization research. The DAO community reviews the proposals and selects the ones that they want to support.

The DAO helps create associated discrete research projects for fulfillment.#

Once a proposal is selected, the DAO works with the researcher to create a detailed research plan and to identify the resources that will be needed to complete the project. The DAO also helps to identify potential collaborators and to secure funding for the project.

The DAO targets suitable individuals in the community (based on background and expertise) for engagement and fulfillment.#

The DAO identifies individuals in the community who have the skills and experience that are needed to complete the research project. The DAO then engages these individuals to work on the project.

How does AlumDAO operate? How does it fund itself?#

As a DAO, AlumDAO is governed by a set of rules that are encoded in smart contracts. The rules determine how AlumDAO is funded, how it makes decisions, and how it distributes funds.

AlumDAO is funded by donations from individuals and organizations. The DAO’s management team is responsible for overseeing the DAO’s operations. The team is responsible for raising funds, hosting the process about how to allocate funds, execution of the grant process, and for ensuring that the DAO complies with all applicable laws and regulations.

The DAO’s treasury is used to fund research projects. The treasury is also used to pay for the DAO’s operating expenses. The DAO’s management team is responsible for managing the treasury and for ensuring that it is used effectively.

Is AlumDAO a cryptocurrency?#

AlumDAO is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) that funds research projects at universities. It is not a cryptocurrency, but it does use crypto for its token voting system. AlumDAO tokens are used to vote on research proposals and to access exclusive features on the AlumDAO platform.

What is the AlumDAO Council?#

The AlumDAO Council is a group of individuals who are responsible for the governance of the AlumDAO community. The Council is voted on and approved by AlumDAO community members, and is composed of former academic researchers, current academic researchers, and individuals who are interested in the work of AlumDAO. The Council meets regularly to discuss the latest developments in the AlumDAO community and to make decisions about the future of the community. The AlumDAO Council is committed to ensuring that the AlumDAO community is a welcoming and inclusive space for all individuals, and that it is a valuable resource for individuals who are interested in research.

When a research opportunity gets approved and funded, does that mean I am an investor?#

No, you are not an investor when a research opportunity gets funded. An investor is someone who gives money to a company or project in exchange for a share of ownership or a return on investment. AlumDAO funds opportunities via its DAO Treasury, which is funded via DAO membership dues and associated donations. The researchers who are awarded grant funding do not give up any ownership in their research or any return on investment.

AlumDAO, Academic Researchers#

How do I participate in the AlumDAO community?#

Academic researchers are crucial to the AlumDAO community and can participate by submitting research projects, applying to join other research opportunities, contributing to projects and being compensated, voting on research proposals, mentoring other researchers, and sharing knowledge in AlumDAO groups through blog posts, presentations, and community discussions. Membership dues are waived for academic researchers and associated individuals to encourage their involvement in the community.

What does AlumDAO look for in academic research to support?#

AlumDAO seeks academic research with significant commercial potential and impact on a field. They evaluate research based on innovativeness, quality, and alignment with their mission of supporting university innovation. For more information on submitting a proposal, visit their website.

Where is the DAO money that is supporting university innovation coming from? In other words, who is really supporting these research efforts?#

The DAO money that supports university innovation comes from a combination of sources, including private donations from individuals and organizations in the form of membership dues to become part of the AlumDAO community, and government grants from federal, state, and local governments that amplify the community’s reach and impact. AlumDAO is managed by individuals interested in supporting research and development, and its members, who pay membership fees, share in this core ethos.

How do intellectual property rights work in AlumDAO?#

In AlumDAO, the intellectual property rights typically remain with the researcher and university, while AlumDAO receives a unit of economic value from the commercial potential of the IPR, as specific details depend on the opportunity. For instance, if a researcher develops a new drug, AlumDAO might receive a percentage of the royalties from the drug’s sale. The goal of this arrangement is to provide a win-win situation where the researcher and university retain ownership of their IPR, but they also benefit from the commercial success of their work. Simultaneously, AlumDAO receives a share of the economic value created by the IPR, which it can use to fund future research projects. This setup benefits the public by ensuring that the fruits of academic research are made available to society, and AlumDAO can help speed up the development and dissemination of new technologies and products by providing researchers with financial incentives to commercialize their IPR.

What are the costs and administrative requirements for receiving grants?#

AlumDAO charges an indirect cost rate for administrative support, marketing, and fundraising costs which gets applied against grant award proceeds if your project is awarded grant funds. The current indirect cost rate to cover these costs is 10% of the total grant amount awarded and are only due and payable when a grant is awarded.

There are a lot of grants funds out there. How is AlumDAO any better than existing grant programs?#

AlumDAO is a unique community-driven funding model that offers several advantages over traditional grant programs. Firstly, AlumDAO provides a platform for universities to engage their alumni and other stakeholders in the research and development process actively. This engagement creates a more collaborative and supportive environment that can lead to more innovative and impactful research outcomes.

Secondly, AlumDAO’s funding model allows for greater flexibility and agility in funding decisions. Rather than relying on the slow and bureaucratic decision-making processes of traditional grant programs, AlumDAO can quickly respond to emerging research opportunities and changing priorities. This flexibility allows AlumDAO to support cutting-edge research projects that might not fit neatly into the criteria of traditional grant programs.

Finally, AlumDAO’s funding model allows for a more sustained and long-term commitment to research and development. Instead of funding projects on a one-off basis, AlumDAO can provide ongoing support to researchers, helping to ensure that their work has a lasting impact.

Overall, AlumDAO’s community-driven, flexible, and sustained funding model provides a compelling alternative to traditional grant programs, enabling universities and their alumni to support innovative research projects that have the potential to make a real difference in the world.

Who is my sponsor / point of contact for fulfilling the obligations of the DAO supported research opportunity?#

The community will typically designate a point of contact for an AlumDAO-supported research opportunity based on their expertise and availability. Your sponsor or point of contact can vary depending on the specific opportunity and the needs of the project. It is recommended to reach out to the AlumDAO community or the project manager to determine who your sponsor or point of contact is for fulfilling the obligations of the research opportunity.

I’ve received funds and/or other aid from AlumDAO to help support my research; I am now nearing the point of completion of my efforts. Am I expected to publish findings? Am I allowed to?#

As a general rule, AlumDAO encourages the dissemination of research findings, including through publication. However, the specifics of any publication requirements or restrictions would depend on the terms of your agreement with AlumDAO.

Typically, AlumDAO-supported research projects are expected to result in publications or other forms of dissemination to ensure that the findings are made available to the wider research community and the public. If there are any restrictions on publication, they would typically be included in the agreement between you and AlumDAO, such as a requirement to delay publication for a specific period to allow for the filing of any patents or protection of any intellectual property.

In summary, while AlumDAO encourages the dissemination of research findings, any specific publication requirements or restrictions would depend on the terms of your agreement with AlumDAO.

Can AlumDAO grant funds be used to supplement my existing salary from academia?#

AlumDAO funds are typically intended to support research and development activities, including salaries for researchers and support staff. However, the specific uses of funds can vary depending on the project and the needs of the community involved.

It may be possible to use AlumDAO funds to supplement an existing academic salary if it is directly related to the research project and is outlined in the agreement between you and AlumDAO. However, it is essential to clarify this with AlumDAO and ensure that any such use of funds is consistent with the terms of your agreement.

AlumDAO, Community Members#

What does it take to become a member of AlumDAO?#

To become a member of AlumDAO, you can visit the AlumDAO website and sign up for a membership. There are two ways to become a member:

  1. Pay a recurring monthly or annual subscription fee to gain access to the DAO decision community, where you can participate in voting on research projects to fund and provide feedback to researchers.

  2. Sign up to be a Researcher Candidate, which is designed for current students or academics most interested in building credibility through work effort. As a Researcher Candidate, you can utilize AlumDAO like a job board, identifying interesting opportunities that suit your background and expertise to gain credibility and status in the community.

Membership in AlumDAO is open to all alumni of research institutions who are interested in supporting university-oriented innovation.

I’d like to make money by participating in AlumDAO research projects. How do I get involved? How do I get academics to select me?#

To get involved in AlumDAO research projects and potentially earn money, you can sign up to be a Researcher Candidate. As a Researcher Candidate, you can utilize AlumDAO like a job board, identifying interesting opportunities that suit your background and expertise to gain credibility and status in the community.

To increase your chances of being selected by academics, it’s essential to highlight your skills and experience relevant to the specific research project. You can also demonstrate your credibility and status in the community by successfully completing AlumDAO-supported research projects and building a track record of quality work.

Another way to increase your chances of being selected by academics is to engage with the AlumDAO community actively. Participating in the decision-making process, providing feedback to researchers, and networking with other members can help you gain visibility and build relationships with academics who may be interested in your skills and expertise.

How do I show I have subject matter expertise in the AlumDAO community?#

There are several ways to demonstrate subject matter expertise in the AlumDAO community:

Participate in the decision-making process.#

By voting on research projects and providing feedback to researchers, you can show that you have knowledge and insights relevant to the research topic.

Contribute to discussions.#

Joining discussions and offering thoughtful and insightful comments can showcase your understanding of the subject matter.

Complete AlumDAO-supported research projects.#

Successfully completing research projects can demonstrate your skills and expertise in the subject area.

Share your work.#

If you have published articles, books, or other works related to the subject matter, sharing them with the community can demonstrate your knowledge and experience.

Network with other members.#

Engaging with other members who have expertise in the same subject area can help you build connections and establish yourself as a subject matter expert in the AlumDAO community.

Overall, active engagement in the AlumDAO community and showcasing your skills and experience through participation, completion of projects, and networking can help demonstrate your subject matter expertise.

I’ve become a member of AlumDAO; if I put in an additional $10 to AlumDAO, where does that money go? How would it be allocated?#

As an AlumDAO member, if you contribute an additional $10, you can decide whether the funds go to the DAO Treasury or a specific research project. If you contribute to the Treasury, the funds will support research opportunities in general, allocated by community voting. Alternatively, you can contribute directly to a specific research project. The funds will be used for various aspects of research projects and AlumDAO will provide reports on their progress.

Am I allowed to donate towards schools that aren’t my alma mater?#

Yes, as an AlumDAO member, you are allowed to donate towards schools that are not your alma mater. AlumDAO supports innovative research projects at universities and does not limit its support to any specific institution.

Therefore, if you are passionate about supporting research at a particular university that is not your alma mater, you are free to contribute to AlumDAO with the intention that your donation goes towards that university.

In this way, you can help support groundbreaking research projects at universities beyond your own alma mater, contributing to the advancement of knowledge in a variety of fields.

AlumDAO & Alumshares#

What is Alumshares?#

Alumshares enables accredited alumni investors to invest in startups affiliated with their alma mater, allowing universities to create and manage investment funds for these ventures. The platform ensures compliance with relevant securities regulations to protect both the investors and the startups, while potentially benefiting financially and contributing to the growth of the university’s entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Are AlumDAO and Alumshares associated with one another?#

Yes, AlumDAO and Alumshares are associated with one another. AlumDAO uses Alumshares to fund opportunities that are matured enough for traditional investments (of cash for company equity) from accredited investors.

AlumDAO is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) that funds research projects. The DAO is funded by members who pay a subscription fee. AlumDAO uses Alumshares to invest in research projects that have the potential to generate significant returns.

Alumshares is an online platform that connects alumni of research institutions with investment opportunities at those universities. The platform allows alumni to invest in research projects that are still in the early stages of development.

The partnership between AlumDAO and Alumshares allows both organizations to achieve their goals. AlumDAO can fund research projects that have the potential to generate significant returns, and Alumshares can connect alumni with investment opportunities that are still in the early stages of development.

What is the engagement process between AlumDAO and Alumshares?#

The engagement process between AlumDAO and Alumshares can occur in several stages. First, AlumDAO funds research projects at universities and research institutions. These projects can range from basic research to applied research.

The results of these research projects are often developed into intellectual property (IP), such as patents, trademarks, copyrights, or trade secrets. AlumDAO can help researchers commercialize their IP by providing funding, mentorship, and access to investors.

As research projects evolve and mature into viable intellectual property, Alumshares comes into play. Alumshares allows alumni investors to invest in university-affiliated startups that have the potential to generate significant returns.

AlumDAO can help identify and find a suitable executive team to transition from research to a real company by providing access to its network of research institutions, alumni, and investors. AlumDAO can also help to assess potential executive candidates.

Together, AlumDAO and Alumshares provide an end-to-end development pipeline for university-affiliated startups, from research to commercialization to investment. By working together, the two platforms can help to strengthen the overall entrepreneurial ecosystem of universities and support the growth and success of university-affiliated startups.

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to reach out!#