How It Works#

Now more than ever, the world needs more researchers doing more research. AlumDAO is focused on coming up with new and creative methods to ensure that happens.

What is a DAO#

A distributed autonomous organization (or DAO) is a fully online corporate form that intends to flatten hierarchies and associated decision making processes by distributing corporate control from a centralized point out to individual members. Imagine if corporations and the laws regulating them were developed in the 21st instead of the 19th century, with our modern technologies and social morés; that’s what DAOs intend to provide. Rather than corporate officers (like CEOs and CFOs) acting as shareholder proxies, often ruling with near dictatorial power, DAOs are built to provide an organizational structure that’s responsive to all members, specifically by enabling direct input on things such as treasury allocations.

What will this DAO be used for?#

As mentioned, AlumDAO is focused on ensuring more research can be accomplished effectively. This is because we believe humanity now more than ever needs to innovate its way out of potential cataclysms both recognized and yet unknown. We believe that capital as well as community are critical to unlocking the world’s potential—and the innate connectivity of the internet enables both to be coordinated more effectively than ever before.

We envision a world where individuals who once had a passion for research are able to reconnect with their motivations, and pursue developments for the sake of curiosity as well as commercial potential. Further, we see a scenario where academics are able to work for themselves, and be compensated for their efforts while also holding down full-time jobs in the private sector. In short, rather than replacing the academic research system in place, AlumDAO seeks to amplify it, providing resources in the form of capital as well as interest alumni.

Specifically, AlumDAO seeks to connect with researchers and technology transfer organizations at the premier research institutions in the United States in order to define areas of research with high potential (both being pursued as well as not yet considered)

Soulbound Token / NFTs (Proof of Association)#

Access to the AlumDAO network will be enabled through the use of digital “soul-bound” tokens. Each soul-bound token is unique and non-tranferable, meaning it is unable to be traded, bought, or sold on a secondary market. Only the DAO has the ability to granted or revoke soul-bound tokens. Token will act as a decentralized digital passport that grants access to DAO features and represents a single vote in the DAO governance system. More information about the soul-bound NFTs will be available as this technology develops.

How we develop and license intellectual property#

We intend to form AlumDAO as a non-profit with the mission of developing academic research to the point it is ready to be commercialized. This non-profit entity is envisioned to have a wholly owned subsidiary (the “Holding Company”) that holds and/or licenses intellectual property created in the pursuit of its mission. It may sublicense or sell its ownership rights held by the Holding Company as it deems appropriate to see the intellectual property can be best utilized and reach the market at large.

Our primary channel for developing intellectual property would be to commission and co-develop technology through research with partner academic institutions. Initially, the academic institution’s office of tech transfer would hold the rights to the intellectual property. They would be responsible for patenting, maintaining, and defending the intellectual property until such a point that we decided to license it through the Holding Company. The process of obtaining patents is time consuming and expensive so our preference would be for this responsibility to remain with tech transfer until an inflection point is reached in the research where we believe commercial viability is possible.

To protect our initial investment, we would enter into a Right of First Refusal arrangement with the partner academic institution that would grant the Holding Company the right, but not the obligation to license any created intellectual property prior to it being marketed more broadly to any other interested parties.

By structuring our position as a Right of First Refusal rather than applying for the patent ourselves, we are able to leverage the existing strengths of academic tech transfer offices in obtaining and maintaining patents while also giving us flexibility and higher return on our research dollars deployed.

Beyond intellectual property#

  • Proof of degree (Verified, highly selective group of talented people in one network; high signal to noise ratio)

  • Networking / hiring (“Uber for specialized knowledge workers” idea)

  • Batches (similar to Y Combinator) of spinoffs where cofounders can collaborate and focus resources of the network on a few highly promising opportunities

  • Other